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Technologies used
- Next.js
- TypeScript
- Tailwind CSS
- ShadCn (For the UI components)
- Clerk (For the authentication)
- MongoDB (For the database)
- UploadThing (For the image uploading)
- Vercel (For the deployment)
Brief Summary of the Project
- This is a Twitter clone that I made in 2023 (August) in Next.js (TypeScript) .
- It has all the basic features of Twitter like posting tweets, liking tweets, retweeting tweets, following users, etc.
- It uses Clerk for user authentication and store the user data in MongoDB.
- It uses UploadThing for uploading images and store the images in a S3 bucket.
- It uses ShadCn UI library (Radix-UI component stylised).
- It can even create Group and store multiple tweets in a single group.